PCF Standards

Navigating PCF Compliance

At Carboledger, we are dedicated to helping organizations navigate the complex landscape of product carbon footprint standards. This page serves as a comprehensive guide to the essential PCF standards

PCF Standards
the greenhouse protocol

The Greenhouse
Gas Protocol


GHG Protocol - Product Standard

The GHG Protocol for Product Footprint is a globally applicable approach for measuring and reporting emissions in all industries. The Product Standard enables companies to evaluate the complete life cycle of a product, from sourcing of raw materials to final disposal, which helps in identifying opportunities for substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. This improves product design and efficiency while meeting customer expectations for environmental information and facilitating effective communication of a product's environmental impact.

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The International
Organization for Standardization


ISO 14067

ISO 14067, an international standard, helps companies evaluate the environmental impact of their products throughout their entire life cycle. It supports Sustainable Development Goal 13 in the UNGC's Agenda 2030, which specifically targets greenhouse gas emissions at each stage of the product's life. Additionally, this standard assists companies in comprehending the carbon footprints of their products after production, encouraging innovation to further reduce emissions beyond the manufacturing process.

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ISO 14044

ISO 14044 is an international standard that guides organizations in conducting Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) for their products or services. This LCA evaluates the environmental impact throughout a product's life cycle, from raw material extraction to disposal. ISO 14044 certification helps companies identify areas of high carbon emissions, enabling them to take targeted steps to reduce environmental impact, enhance sustainability, and foster transparency with stakeholders. It's a valuable tool for organizations striving to become more eco-friendly and carbon-conscious.

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Together for


TfS Product Carbon Footprint

The Together for Sustainability (TfS) Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) Guideline offers step-by-step guidance to calculate emissions for chemical materials, fostering consistency across the industry. It allows companies to identify, track, and reduce emissions, ultimately enhancing the industry's carbon footprint and supporting transparent product-level emissions tracking. TfS aims to extend this resource's impact beyond the chemical sector, enabling cross-industry collaborations to drive carbon reduction efforts and create a more sustainable future.

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Partnership for
Carbon Accounting



The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Transparency (PACT) is an initiative aimed at providing a standardized and consistent format for sharing product-level carbon footprint data. Developed by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), PACT streamlines data sharing among companies, enabling them to meet customer demands for carbon transparency and automate Scope 3-related calculations.

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International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC)



The International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) tackles climate change by promoting sustainable production through certification. ISCC ensures complete traceability throughout supply chains while adhering to environmental best practices. By promoting supply chain transparency, ISCC’s vision is a world free from deforestation with a circular economy and sustainable bioeconomy.

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Catena-X PCF Guideline


Catena-X PCF Guideline

Recognizing that industry-wide challenges require collective action, Catena-X fosters radical collaboration across the automotive value chain. This first-of-its-kind guideline empowers businesses to leverage common data model and develop data-driven solutions . The standardized architecture streamlines implementation, reduces costs, and paves the way for innovation, transforming how the automotive industry operates.

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iLEAP: Integrating Logistics Emissions and PCFs


iLEAP: Integrating Logistics Emissions and PCFs

Launched in 2023, iLEAP seeks to bridge the gap between logistics and product emissions data. iLEAP focuses on establishing a common framework for logistics data exchange, specifically targeting the needs of shippers seeking to reduce their carbon footprint. By providing transparency into the emissions associated with the logistics portion of their supply chain, iLEAP empowers shippers to make informed decisions that promote sustainability. Carboledger is one of the organisations involved in early pilots of this standard.

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Fostering business growth via Secure Data Sharing

At Carboledger, we're committed to guiding you through the dynamic landscape of carbon regulations and sustainability standards. We're dedicated to providing you with the right tools and expertise to advance your sustainability journey.
